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This Course Will Help You Amplify The Performance of Your Life While Tearing Down The Barriers That Are Constantly Holding You Back From That NEXT LEVEL. This is a Mastermind Dedicated to Human Optimization!
Discover the tools necessary to make your life extraordinary
Why would you EVER accept a mediocre life? I am continually amazed when I meet people who accept ‘good enough’ instead of extraordinary. Why would you fly coach when first class has seats open?
As the father of two daughters there are two words my girls have heard their entire lives-Don’t settle. I never want them to settle on a mediocre job or career. I never want them to settle for a man that doesn’t meet their standards. I’m telling you what I tell my own children-Don’t settle. You don’t have to.
Here are things people settle on every day only to one day wish they had found out how to go first class instead of coach:
Health and Nutrition
Don’t Settle!
In the MTH course, I challenge and give you the tools, science and insights to keep from ever settling again. I will show you how an extraordinary life has little to do with money, fame, a big house or a fancy car. A first class, extraordinarily rich and joyful life starts from within and works outward. I will show you how.
MTH is for you if...
You’re a skilled professional with great ideas and bold goals. You’re driven, disciplined, and creative. You are familiar with flow states and committed to performing at your absolute peak
You’re tired of the always-on, crazy busy, chaotic pace of the 21st century and you want to graduate to a new, smarter way of living and working
You get paid well based on your ability to use your brain to solve problems (entrepreneurs, executives, knowledge workers)
You identify as a high-performer... but you know the way you're working isn't optimal. Something is missing, and you don't want to leave results on the table
Take the Vitruvian Lab with you wherever you go! I have developed this course to not only be where you are but go with you where you go. This course along with all other VL courses can be accessed through the Vitruvian Lab App.
Hundreds of hours of lessons including video, audio and print materials right at your fingertips.
Who this course is for:
Those who want to fully optimize their life
Those who want to leave a legacy
Those who want to live a life of abundant joy
Those who hare focused more on '“healthspan” than simply “lifespan”
Those who want to operate at the level of professional athletes, entrepreneurs, creatives and other peak performers