Jason Wright

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Ozempic or Berberine?

As I was skimming through the internet in search of research on Berberine, a supplement I've been taking for some time now, I came across information shared by functional health coach Mike Mutzel. He referenced studies suggesting that Berberine could assist in regulating blood sugar levels when consuming carbohydrate-rich meals.

Similar reports had reached me through Ben Greenfield, who recommended taking Berberine a couple of hours before indulging in a carb-heavy meal. Given my respect for both these individuals and their thorough research practices, I decided to incorporate Berberine into my routine. My choice was reinforced by Dr. Gus Vickery, a trusted business partner and close friend. During one of our 'Authentic Health Fridays' episodes on the Jason Wright Show, he discussed Berberine as a component of his supplement regimen.

In my quest for knowledge, I stumbled upon comparisons between Berberine and Ozempic made by social media influencers. While I'm not one to be overly cynical, I find this analogy a bit far-fetched. For me, Berberine serves as a valuable supplement for gut health and glucose management. Can I confidently say it suppresses my appetite? I'm less certain.

What I am sure of is that it's not on par with Ozempic. However, the effects Berberine appears to have on insulin sensitivity do warrant investigation. While I'm not a medical professional, and I refrain from offering supplement recommendations, I can express this much: as someone mindful of the challenges associated with aging, particularly regarding insulin sensitivity and glucose fluctuation, I've embraced Berberine.

Yet, if you're seeking an economical alternative to the costly $900/month Ozempic (Berberine can be acquired for around $50/month at a 100mg dosage), I'm reluctant to guarantee equivalent outcomes. I encourage you to engage in diligent research and delve deeper into Berberine. It's now an integral part of my standard supplement regimen, alongside creatine, vitamin D3, vitamin K2, and vitamin B12, among others. Perhaps I'll consider composing an article outlining my complete stack in the future.

As such, I've appended a concise description of Berberine to assist you in initiating your exploration. I trust you find it beneficial. Should you have further inquiries, please forward them. Dr. Gus and I stand ready to address these on 'Authentic Health Fridays,' provided there's sufficient interest. Feel free to ask any question you wish, and Dr. Gus will contribute his expert perspective.

Berberine, an organic compound sourced from various plants, including the Berberis shrub, has garnered attention for its potential to aid in blood sugar management, weight regulation, and appetite moderation. Its notable attributes have sparked interest within the realm of alternative medicine.

Emerging research implies that Berberine might play a role in ameliorating blood sugar levels by heightening insulin sensitivity and bolstering glucose metabolism within cells. This stands to benefit individuals dealing with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, Berberine's association with weight control stems from its potential to hinder adipocyte proliferation, stimulate fat breakdown, and regulate lipid metabolism. These mechanisms can contribute to diminished body weight and fat mass.

Moreover, Berberine's speculated impact on appetite modulation is attributed to its influence on hunger and satiety-related hormones and neurotransmitters. By fostering feelings of fullness and diminishing cravings, it could assist in curbing excessive calorie consumption.

Nevertheless, it's crucial to acknowledge that while Berberine displays promise in these realms, its usage warrants prudent consideration, particularly for those with pre-existing medical conditions or concurrent medication use. Prior consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended before integrating Berberine into one's regimen. This will help ascertain its appropriateness for individual needs and determine optimal dosages.

Want to learn how to effectively incorporate semaglutide (Ozempic) into your weightloss journey? Sign up for The Vitruvian Letter and get a FREE copy of Dr. Gus Vickery’s “Semaglutide Playbook.” This gives you all the details and strategies to get the most out of semaglutide should you decide to take it. Click HERE for your free copy and be signed up for The Vitruvian Letter, Jason Wright’s weekly newsletter on how to improve always in ALL ways.


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