Everyone Wants To Change The World But No One Wants To Change

I once had a friend whose stepmother was very left-leaning politically. One day, she (the stepmother) was telling me how bad cell phones were for the environment. I listened and nodded along.

I have no idea whether or not cell phones are bad for the environment; if they are, I’m not sure what the solution is. She went on and on about how they were heating the earth’s atmosphere. She then told me how we all needed to be more environmentally conscious.

She told me how important it is that we protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the ecosystem we all live in.

She then proceeded to light up a cigarette.

I’ve heard many conservative folks lamenting the ills of an ever increasing government with too much power, too much overreach spending too much money complaining their Medicare coverage just wasn’t enough and needed to be more. But DO NOT raise taxes to make it happen.

We all want to change the world, but no one wants to change. This is a problem. It’s like so many people live in a world of theory instead of a world of action.

So how do we change the world? It starts with changing our world. Here, I’m talking about the micro-sense of the word “world”.

“Each man lives in his own universe and when he dies the world is over”

― Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom

Each of us is our universe, so to speak. In that universe, we call the shots. We decide what we are going to do to help our environment, our health, and so on. It is our universe to rule. However, this doesn’t resonate with some.

So often, we think unless we get a lot of other people to change, then change will never come. It’s striking that this wrong-headed thinking still exists in the age of the influencer.

Consider how powerful fitness influencers are today. Why do they get so many clicks, likes, and followers? I would argue it’s not just because of what they say but also because of what they practice. We see the results of their fitness in their pictures and images (their universe), and we then listen to their message. We want our universe to be more like theirs. 

I’m not suggesting that all these fitness folks are pure. Many do nothing but workout, take human growth hormones, and then tell you it’s as easy as 1-2-3. That’s bull butter. But we listen to them because we see in them our own ability to change. But do we? Many of us do not.

Gandhi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Gandhi got it. He bent the will of an entire empire by himself, refusing to eat and abide by an imperial ruler. He himself changed. As onlookers of his countrymen witnessed this, they themselves changed.

I saw a quote on Twitter or X or whatever it is now from Hillary Clinton this morning. It read,

 “Hot enough for you? Thank a MAGA Republican.”

I would dare say Mrs. Clinton has spoken at length about the need to be kinder in our political discourse. Yet she refuses to change herself. God knows this goes both ways. Part of the reason Donald Trump is so despised is he says condescending and rude things. He won’t change.

All our politicians want us, the voters, to change, yet they, as pied pipers of their party, refuse to change. Thus, their constituency follows suit.

The longer I live, the more I realize there is but one human being on this earth I have control of - Jason Wright. I have to change him before I can change the world.

Do I think we should change the world? Absolutely. We should. I’m a believer in high, hard goals. I love them. I can’t think of one much bigger than changing the world. That said, it needs to start with changing one mind, body, attitude, and action at a time, starting with me. It starts with changing the one world I have greatest control of. 

This is why I’ve devoted my “brand” if you want to call it that to the idea of improving always in ALL ways. I truly believe that if I can reach my highest potential as a human, it will spill over into my fellow man. By the same token, I think whatever poison remains in me will poison my fellow man as well. I hope to increase the former and eliminate the latter.

I truly sit and write these words hoping I’ve said something that will inspire you to be the best version of yourself possible. That’s the version of you the world needs and craves. That’s the version of you that will make a big impactful change. 

My hope is not to have you admire me because of anything I’ve accomplished or appear to have mastered. My real hope is you see I’m just a fellow traveler trying to get better each and every day, knowing there will always be a step higher to climb. Maybe it will even inspire you to climb your own steps. If I’m a rung ahead, I’ll turn and reach for your hand to pull you up to the next step. If you are in front of me, I hope you’ll do the same and together we’ll change the world.

I’m pulling for you,



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Grab a Copy of My Books

“The Stone Chiseler”

“Push Play: Taking Your Life Off Pause”


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Jason Wright