The thing is...
Here’s the thing. I’d like to talk about the thing for a second. Well, technically I guess I’m writing about the thing, but you get the picture. I’m dabbling in the discipline of minimalism. Am I full blown minimalist? No. Not by a long shot. However, I am trying to reduce my material belongings down to the essential.
It has been very difficult at times to let go of things I once really loved and enjoyed. For example, I have a certain quilted coat I saved for, searched for, finally acquired and wore with pride for years. I still love the coat. I have another I’ve had in my closet for at least 8 years. I love it, too. It’s great. It’s a worn in Carhartt work jacket. This thing is so money. Last time worn? No record found.
I have so many things. We tend to hold on to things because we think we may one day need the thing. But what is the cost of having the thing?
You have to wash the thing. You have to change the oil in the thing. You have to store the thing. Oh crap. We’re moving? Uhh. That means I have to pack the thing. Holy crap! Did you just scratch the thing? Oh hell. I dropped and broke the thing.
Things can add up to more than just things. They can add up to stress. They can take up space better used for other things—things that are essential.
I don’t know what your thing is, but I bet you have a lot of things you could do without. I have packed up scores of boxes of clothes to donate. I haven’t done it yet. They are sitting in one of the guest bedrooms. They’ve been there for about two weeks now. Have I gone to look for one of the things in there yet? That’s a big negative Ghost Rider.
Look around. Inventory your things. What is it costing you to keep all those things. The thing is you probably don’t need most of it to begin with. I’ve learned I don’t.